Allen, Alexander VG. Christian Institutions: Int’l Theol Lib. Charles Scribners, 1909. 577. Print. (Scholarly; critical; historical:by various authors)
Allen, Roland. Missionary Methods; St Paul’s or Ours? World Dominion, 1927. 236. Print. (Detailed outline; examines Paul’s methods; much thought provoking material)
Anthony, Ed. Considering Worship. 1927. 127. Print. (Helpful OT background mat’l on worship; brief sections)
Austin-Sparks, T. The Stewardship of the Mystery. Vol. 2. Witness & Testimony, 1939. 175. Print. (Misc essays on church related subjects)
Best, Ernest. One Body in Christ. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1955. 250. Print. (Extended scholarly treatment of the “body; building; bride”)
Beverley, R.M. The Subject of Ministry. Old ed. Pickering & Inglis. 93. Print (Somewhat negative; views on the subj; ordination; laying on of hands)
Campbell, R.K. The Church of the Living God. Believers helf, 1950. 330. Print (Thorough; church subjects; critical of “entanglement in man’s religious systems”)
Candlish, James. The Christian Sacraments. T&T Clark. 129. Print. (Old; English traditional on Baptism & Lord’s Supper)
Cave, William. Primitive Christianity. Thomas Tegg; Oxford, 1840. 464. Print (Historical; scholarly; dissertation on church government)
Clarke, Arthur G. New Testament Church Principles. John Richie, 1962. 102. Print.(Brief; simple; principles of the Christian assembly; deals with misunderstood verses)
Crawford, Norman. Gathering Unto His Name. Truth & Tidings, 1985. 256. Print (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
Davies, J.M. The Lord and the Churches. Walterick, 1967. 188. Print. (Church truths with in depth study of the seven churches of Revelation)
Davis, C.J. Aids to Believers. Alfred Holness. 176. Print. (Older; Mostly on the Lord’s Supper; about the church; Christian ministry)
Daughters, Ken. New Testament Church Government. Walterick, 1989. 118. Print (Thoughtful material on the question of a pattern for the church;)
Dennett, Edward. Twelve Letters to Young Believers. Old ed. 78. Print. (Assembly related questions for young believers)
Ellison, H.L. The Household Church. Paternoster, 1963. 96. Print. (The place and practice of the church today in light of apostolic practice)
Ford, David. Studies on the Baptismal Question. 1879. 416. Print. (Scholarly; historical; critical re: baptism; infant baptism etc.)
Fraser, Neil M. The Lord’s Supper. Emmaus Correspondence School, 1970. Print. (Six simple lessons for young believers on the Lord’s Supper)
Gaebelein, A.C. The Church in the House. Our Hope. 227. Print. (Mostly spiritual subjects but a few church related such as priesthood; the body)
Gibbs, Alfred P. Scriptural Principles of Gathering. Walterick. 46. Print. (Brief foundational on assembly distinctives; helpful for young believers)
Gibbs, Alfred P. The Lord’s Supper. Walterick, 1963. 216. Print. (Possibly the best work on the Lord’s Supper; very helpful)
Gibbs, Alfred P. Worship; The Christian’s Highest Occupation. Walterick. 238. Print. (A Classic; essential reading on the subject)
Hamilton, Fred. Why; NT Principles Today. Christian Missions in Many Lands, 1985. Print. (Limited number of assembly related articles; some negative)
Harlow, R.E. The Church of God; A Symposium. Everyday Publications, 1976. 111. Print. (Ten addresses by prominent assembly speakers on church subjects)
Hay, Alexander R. NT Order for Church and Missionary. NTMU, 1947. 530. Print. (A spiritual classic; essential for planters and workers; some unusual views)
Hitchman, Henry. Some Scriptural Principles of the Christian Assembly. John Richie, 1929. 202. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
Holiday, Alfred J. The Churches of the Saints. John Richie. 52. Print. (Old; very brief articles on assembly related matters)
Hort, F.J.A. The Christian Ecclesia. M, 1900. 306. Print. (Scholarly; special emphasis on the origins of the Christian ministry)
Hoste, William. Bishops, Priests and Decons. Pickering & Inglis. 196. Print. (Old; great sense of humor; extremely helpful for putting leadership subjects in perspective)
Inrig, Gary. Life in His Body. Harold Shaw, 1975. 182. Print. (Thought provoking articles on the nature and functions of the local church)
Kelly, William. Lectures on the Church of God. George Morrish. 259. Print. (An old classic on assembly related truth; helpful and foundational)
Kimber, Thomas. Hist. Essays on Worship and Early Christian Church Quaker Perspective. David Tabor, 1890. 251. Print.
Lang, G.H. The Churches of God. Paternoster, 1959. 190. Print. (Original thinker; challenging perspective on assembly related subjects)
Lindsay, Thomas M. The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries. Harold Shaw, 1902. 398. Print. (The church in the first three centuries; helpful; insightful)
MacDonald, William. Buried by Baptism. Emmaus Correspondence School, 1957. Print. (Six lessons for young believers on the ordinance of baptism)
MacDonald, William. Christ Loved the Church. MC, 1956. 119. Print. (A Christian classic; essential studies on NT church principles)
McClurkin, Robert. Divine Principles in an Evil Day. Gospel Folio, 1970. 125. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
Norbie, Donald. The Early Church. Christian Missions, 1983. 126. Print. (Thououghtful treatment of many NTC related subjects; helpful)
Norbie, Donald. He Loved to Plant – TB Gilbert. GP, 1974. 109. Print. (Biography of a church planter; contains many insights on the nature; function of the church)
Oster, Merrill. Practical Principles of Gathering. Everyday Publications, 1976. 94. Print. (Brief; simple; principles of the Christian assembly)
John, Reid. The Chief Meeting of the Church. Christian Missions, 1978. 123. Print. (Mostly importance and order of Lord’s Supper; “chief meeting” is assumed)
Ridout, Samuel. The Church and Its Order According to Scripture. Loizeaux Brothers. 124. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
Smith, Daniel. The House of God. Accent. 93. Print. (Ten chapters on the house of God as seen by great men of both testaments)
Smith, Daniel. Worship and Remembrance. Vol. 2,3. Private (or Unlisted). 186. Print. (Meditations on the Lord’s Supper; much OT typology and related material)
Strauch, Alexander R. Biblical Eldership. Lewis & Roth, 1986. 422. Print. (A classic on the importance, design and practice of NT church eldership)
Stuart, C.E. Simple Papers on the Church of God. W.H.Broom, 1945. 166. Print. (Old; reverent; foundational truth)
Streeter, B.H. The Primitive Church. M, 1929. 323. Print. (Scholarly; emphasis on the origins of the Christian ministry)
Swete, H.B. Essays on the Early History of the Church and the Ministry. M. Print. (Scholarly; critical; historical by various authors)
Vine, W.E. The Church and the Churches. John Richie, 1964. 144. Print. (Helpful; divided into studies on the universal & local church truths)
Vogl & Fish. Understanding the Church. Loizeaux Brothers, 1999. 235. Print. (Articles on the nature and life of the church by various authors)
Watson, J.B. The Church: A Symposium. Pickering & Inglis, 1949. 230. Print. (Very helpful; 16 chapters by prominent writers on major assembly truths)
Weber, Rob. How Jesus Designed His Church. Private (or Unlisted), 2007. 180. Print. (From the “Bible Speaks” group; church related subjects; ? on role of women)
Williams, John. Living Churches. Paternoster, 1972. 144. Print. (General treatment of assembly related subjects)
Wilson, T. Ernest. God’s Call to Special Service. Christian Missions in Many Lands, 1979. 64. Print. (Excellent overview of the call of OT and NT servants of God)
Wolston, W.T.P. The Church; What Is It? Lowland & Border, 1945. 265. Print. (Ten lectures on the church; much OT typology)